Genetic Test Familial Hypercholesterolemia Predisposition

The LipoGene™ from Heart Genetics is a genetic test for hereditary Familial Hypercholesterolemia (FH) related to Coronary Artery Disease, Extravascular Deposits and Artery disease. This type of metabolic diseases have a global prevalence of 1/200 individuals having an arteriopathy risk up to 50% in individuals with first degree familial history with an autosomal dominant hereditary transmission model. It is a widely tested service as it uses the Genotyping technology iPlex MassArray equipment Thermo Scientific™.

  • Scan 4 genes and 125 genetic variants involved with high levels of total cholesterol and LDL-C in blood circulation.
  • Indicated for people with personal or familial premature cardiovascular or FH history events.
  • Suitable for individuals with no ancestry of FH but exposed to environmental risk factors such as obesity, fast food abuse, sedentary lifestyle, smoking, alcoholism, anxiety, stress.
  • Stratify individual or familial risk of Hypercholesterolemia.
  • Early diagnosis with individual or familial confirmation and clinic identifying of asymptomatic individuals.
  • The test has an accuracy of 99%.
  • The kit uses total peripheral blood (4 mL or 2x3mL EDTA or CITRATE tubes) or Saliva to perform genotyping in multiple chip.
  • Results available from 10 days with delivery at room temperature.


  • Personalized diet and adequate Pharmacotherapy.

Pre and post-test comprehensive genetic counseling by our technicians with advanced specific training and facilitate informed decision-making for each patient.